[hero_image image=”52″ title=”Contact Us” desc=”WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.”]
[contact_info title=”Say Hello” subtitle=”Email: somecompany@example.com
Phone: +1 234 567 89 10″ icon=”ion-paper-airplane”][contact_info title=”Where to meet” subtitle=”Smart Company,
23 Greate Street, Los Angeles, 12345 LS
Phone: +1 234 567 89 10″ icon=”ion-paper-airplane”][contact_info title=”Where to meet” subtitle=”Smart Company,
23 Greate Street, Los Angeles, 12345 LS
” icon=”ion-map” link=”#module-maps” textbutton=”Find us on map →”]
[maps title=”Snazzy!” latitude=”40.6700″ longitude=”-73.9400″ zoom=”11″ subtitle=”” icon=”” link=”” textbutton=””]